Succession and Exit Planning

Plan for Your Business’s Future With Our Consulting Team

What will happen to the organization if I don't have a formidable succession plan?
Is selling the best decision, and what are the motives?
How should we sell, and what about real estate?
Should we list with a broker, and what is our valuation?
Should we sell to family members, or can my associates buy the company?
How do we prepare the financials, and what are net proceeds expectations?
Will we have enough funds to retire, or will we need to work for a new owner?
Leadership Coaching for Transition
Who is the right next leader?

How do I find qualified, talented managers for continuity and growth? What are the competencies needed for this role (evaluation criteria)?
What is the legacy we want to be continued, and how do we ensure that they continue the legacy?
What is my role after a transition, and how can we help them be successful?
How do we take care of our key associates, and what are my obligations after the leadership transition?
How do we plan for my next phase in life?

Selling your business

Small Family Business Sales: Navigating the Exit Process

Small family businesses play an important role in the economy, providing jobs and services to communities, and serving as engines of growth. However, as the owners age and consider retirement, they may face the decision of selling the business to a prospective buyer. This can be an emotional and complex process, as it involves not only the transfer of the business itself but also the financial and personal well-being of the owners and their families. Here are some of the top concerns that small business owners should consider when selling ...
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Funding Your Venture

Funding Your Venture: The Importance of Accounting, Mentorship, and Entrepreneurship Education

As someone who starts and runs businesses, I know firsthand the challenges of navigating the venture funding world. I made mistakes and even was taken advantage of by unethical CFOs, controllers, and prospective buyers. As a result, I'm passionate about sharing my knowledge and experience with aspiring entrepreneurs. Whether you're a seasoned business owner or a budding entrepreneur, understanding the ins and outs of venture funding can make all the difference in the success of your career and business. The promise of securing funding from investors or commercial lenders can ...
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